The background to their doing so was enriching: a pr. raised the qn during svc, "How many of u have yet to be B.?" Not quite a few were gingerly raised and he challenged them to mae a stand for the L. In going thru it. P. the L. for the pr. who had sensed the L. heart to call them into sealing their repentance in water!
We're moving into a one-week national holiday period where the whole country practically shuts down till after the festivities. There're street parades in trucks, buses, bikes, and lot's of thru-the-night chanting and fireworks!
P. for the people of the land as they show great immersion and discipline in what they believe in but do they truly know the L. who created them? P. for us to make it through and not be short of G.'s grace since buying anything needed at last min. is now not possible.
How're u all back home? Pls message us to keep us updated with the homefront and any think we can lift to our H.F. on your behalf?
Skype. tfeeen
I write this for this Sunday 's VW, which I thought you may like reading. 1 Sam 7: Ebenezer! - Thus far the Lord has helped us...
We are a little over the half-way mark in our fundraising for the new building. And indeed, thus far, the Lord has helped us (Ebenezer!). Keep up the praying please. This is a marathon project, to be work on for the next 3 years. We will need the stamina and focus - on the finishing line and on Him who has called us to run this race in the first place.
This week, I met an old school friend who I knew since my early secondary days. He was quite an unstable Christian then and I remembered spending a lot of time as a friend and helping him to grow. I recall meeting his older brother who seem more keen and stable but a ‘solid Brethren guy.” I use to debate with him on whether speaking in tongues is of God or the devil. It is strange, but we referred to the same book for our ‘proof arguments’ – the Bible. He was a lot older than me and referred to his Scriptures expertly. I was a young Pentecostal, trying to be coherent biblically but certainly not lacking in passion and conviction. I recall that he was encouraged by my zeal and faith, as I was by his commitment and bible knowledge.
Fast forward 30 years later. My ex-classmate is now CEO of a successful phone trading company with an Asian-wide operation. He attends church regularly in Hong Kong and seems stable in his faith. In our dinner conversation, he attributed his success to the Lord. I also got to know that his brother has started a business in China. He is active in ministry and heading a house group which came together because they did Alpha. He heard that I was the ND of Alpha S’pore. We got on an overseas conversation together (using my friend’s iPhone which I saw for the first time). He spoke excitedly about Alpha and encouraged us here to keep promoting the ministry. If he is keen on Alpha, I suppose he must have since concluded that speaking in tongues is not of the devil.
What an amazing coincidence. After 30 years, I wonder where all my friends are or have become. Being Malaysians and going through a period of ‘scattering’ (due to local educational policies), we could hardly do anything to keep building on the earlier foundations of friendship and Christian fellowship. Yet, each can tell a story of how God can lead us.
And I thought of my own 30-year journey. Where I am, what I am doing and how blessed I have been – my life, my ministry, my family, my church (i.e. you!).
We can all pause can’t we and say, “Ebenezer - Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
Hallo my dearly loved ones!
i just started reading this blog! Been told by many to read it, and i saw the previous post.
She really looks like me! only prettier ;)
Keeping you in my heart & mind. (with lots of P too)
sharing my memory verse with you.
Isa 64:4
keep in touch!
Wow, lots of exciting things happening upstairs where you are! This is really wonderful to hear and hope it encourages all of you to see L moving so strongly.
BTW, why do we have to use so many acronyms? I'm not best-placed to appraise but there's no thought police, is there?
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
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