A Hairy Incident... Revealed!

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There you go folks, the answer to the quiz, "Whose Hair Is It?"

It's amazing what a heart full of doubt and fear wishes to see and believe so it's doubt and fear can be validated. I am at least assured after reaching out and pulling up that the strands are truly from a bunch of dried up weeds and roots, no withered scalp nor shrunken skull attached below it.

Dear beloved bro & sis back in 1Leed. Thanks u So much for lifting us to the Lord last Sun. For a brief respite that morning, the heavy cloud over our family lifted and our hearts felt free for the first time since we set foot here, we stopped striving between each other in the family and saw for a while the vision of heaven on earth in this church. But the enemy is relentless: by evening the dark cloud won ground over us and the striving against each other returned.

However, G. also moved H. finger: H. removed the opposition and resistance against my being there to start-up and serve in Eng lang teens min and thus dividing the existing teens in making them choose a lang svc. I was extremely awed when the local min leaders finally approached me for reconciliation and affirmed our unity in service in spite of different priorities between the language svcs.

Only God can win us all to His side of uniting under one, and only one banner of proclaiming the good news of C.

I am grateful you'll continue to keep us in prayer as G. starts moving H. plans amongst us and we see mighty things that we've once thought impossible, i.e. impossible except for G.

We serve the mighty and living G.! How awesome!

Skype. tfeeen
Email. tfeeen@gmail.com

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