Our Teen Ministry 0th Birthday

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We thank G., for bringing us to our new building last month. Our teens, for once, has a room to all their own, to w. and to learn G's W in. Where previously they had to set up and pack up the previous rented space every weekend to leave no trace of having been there, they can now call this new room their sp. home to dress up with praises & thanksgiving.

Our guest speaker from teens HQ was there to bless the teens w/ his talk on being a committed w.per, and called them up for an anointing prayer. A w. leader & trainer himself, he travels across the country to various branches conducting talks, seminars and courses. Our L. bless him richly in his work.

How're you folks back home. It'll be nearing the birthday of J. soon. We remember fondly our celebrating it with you back home the past few years... this year we will miss rejoicing with you.

Take care, blessings to you all!

Email. tfeeen@gmail.com
Skype. tfeeen
Blogg. tfeeen.blogspot.com

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