Pls Pray 4 E1

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Please pray 4 E1 who is down with severe hives 4 past 2 nights. Big red welts itching all over his body, body heat from the auto-inflammatory reaction & exhaustion from the discomfort. He is better but still very tired with residual itching.

Also give thanks on behalf that E2+3+N are well and healthy, and that their health be preserved through grace.

Do keep F. And T. In prayers too: one down with heavy flu and the other with gastric flu for past 2 days. Their school open house to be conducted this Sat and next, so much planning, preparation and tasks to plough through with teachers.

Please ask for strength, perseverance and G's grace upon them and staff to glorify J. these 2 Saturdays.

Thank you and our love & blessings to you all.

Skype. tfeeen

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